The Instructional Leadership Cycle

The ILC is a school leaders’ guide to transforming instruction across classrooms, published by the Harvard Education Press. I draw on nearly 20 years of leadership as a classroom teacher, school principal, and district administrator to provide an annual roadmap with lots of practical tools to guide you in your improvement journey towards equity and excellence.

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#schoolmadefresh blog

The #schoolmadefresh blog is where I share ideas about what it takes to foster meaningful, inclusive, and rigorous learning for all students.

Daily Instructional Leadership

The day to day work of leadership in schools is reflected primarily in how you budget your time, communicate the vision, leverage leadership and resources, and manage your own learning and professional pace. 

Communicate the Vision

Every time you open your mouth to speak, you have the opportunity to reinforce your vision for instructional improvement.

Budget Your Time

Your calendar represents your beliefs about what the most important leadership tasks are to transform the school. It is a direct reflection of your priorities. 

Leverage Teacher Leadership

Unless you empower and unleash the brilliance of your teaching staff, you will fall spectacularly short of your improvement goals.

Manage Your Learning

There is no more important aspect of the work than modeling what it looks like to embrace change, enthusiastically pursue opportunities for growth, and to push through failures and mistakes.